Telegraph Hill Centre sits at the heart of the community. Owned by St Catherine's Church, in the last 45 years, Telegraph Hill Centre has undergone many changes in use. Now, as we approach 45 years of Telegraph Hill Centre, come to the AGM to hear what the Centre has...
Telegraph Hill Playclub
Telegraph Hill Playclub Needs You!
Yes it does. Why? Telegraph Hill Playclub operates under the aegis of St Catherine's PCC, a structure similar to that under which Telegraph Hill Centre operates and under which Bold Vision (and then Hill Station) came about Like Telegraph Hill Centre, the Playclub...
Telegraph Hill Playclub
Telegraph Hill Playclub will reopen on Monday 13 January 2014 and will be run by volunteers from the community. St Catherine's PCC is supporting this exciting venture by offering a governance structure for the Playclub to operate within, similar to that it offers...
Telegraph Hill Playclub
Table top sale Saturday 9 November 1 - 3.30pm at Telegraph Hill Centre to raise funds for Telegraph Hill Playgroup. Details here - Table top sale poster 1.4.