grow wild

Telegraph Hill Centre Garden

Earlier this year, Telegraph Hill Centre and the lovely people from Grow Wild worked together to build a cob oven.   What is a cob oven you might ask?   Well, cob ovens are built using traditional and sustainable techniques and materials; materials like clay, sand,...


Harvest Festival at St Catherine’s Church

St Catherine’s Church Harvest Festival, Sunday 6th October, 10.00am Come and join the celebration! Service followed by refreshments. Family-friendly worship Live music from the “Umbrellabirds” Bluegrass Band    Homemade/Grow your own stall Grow Wild on hand for...


Community Dance

There's nothing quite like shaking, shimmying and generally gyrating.   Telegraph Hill’s Big Community Dance is on Sunday 15th September 3pm to 5pm.   There will be free drinks and cakes, and free Zumba, Lindy Hop and Line Dancing.   Grow Wild will put on a free 'pick...


Recruiting – Grow Wild

The Grow Wild project based at Telegraph Hill Centre is looking for a short term ‘Pick and Preserve’ harvester role to lead food harvesting, foraging and preserving activities with community groups. Grow Wild are based at Telegraph Hill Centre, Kitto Road, SE14 5TY....


It’s all go

It's all go at Telegraph Hill Centre.   We're in the throes of hosting numerous events as part of the 19th Telegraph Hill Festival.   The magically named Balearic Bunga Bunga Hat Party on Saturday 9th March will kick things off in style - it's all good clean fun and...


Hilly Telegraph

There is always a lot going on at Telegraph Hill Centre. We've put together Hilly Telegraph which you will shortly receive through your letter box. If you don't get a copy, you are always welcome to pick up a copy from Telegraph Hill Centre. Here is the latest edition...


Local News

New Cross News is a free regular newsletter with information about classes, after school and Youth clubs, services for the elderly and more general social activities, take a look. If you're after local news and information, or listings of local events you could do...