
Coronavirus Workout

Here at Telegraph Hill Centre, though we remain closed, we are also working to keep things moving, check our social media for inspiration, tips, tricks and the occasional laugh. We've also prepared some handy learning opportunities and well being tips – Click here to...

THC Network Showcase – March 21

THC Network Showcase – March 21

Showcase Programme March 21st, 12 to 4 pm Garden Room talks 12.15 – 1.00 - Acupuncture - Alice Douglas / Sarah Haddon-Grant A talk about what acupuncture is, how it works and the work we are doing at the Telegraph Hill Centre. 1.00 – 1.30 - Introduction to NLP...


THC Network Showcase – Postponed

Showcase Programme 2020 POSTPONED The showcase of local practitioners and community groups that work from the Centre throughout the year has been postponed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic and the closure of Telegraph Hill Centre. We'll update when we can. Part of...


Love Grub Summer Club

The Love Grub Summer Club takes place each Tuesday and Friday at Telegraph Hill Centre throughout August 2018. Come and join us for tea! It’s free to local families as a way of lending a helping hand at what can be an expensive time of year. 4.30-6.30pm each Tuesday...