It's no understatement to say that it's been a challenging few months, not least for members of Telegraph Hill Centre's Branching Out group for over 55's whose members have had to shield. All has not been quiet however. Branching Out members have written poems, are...
The 2020 Telegraph Hill Centre Annual Report
2020 has been a very strange year. Yet in the midst of it all, the Centre has continued to function, albeit in a very different way. The 2020 Telegraph Hill Centre Annual Report. It was with heavy hearts that the Centre had to close its doors in March 2020. We look...
Coronavirus Workout
Here at Telegraph Hill Centre, though we remain closed, we are also working to keep things moving, check our social media for inspiration, tips, tricks and the occasional laugh. We've also prepared some handy learning opportunities and well being tips – Click here to...
THC Network Showcase – Postponed
Showcase Programme 2020 POSTPONED The showcase of local practitioners and community groups that work from the Centre throughout the year has been postponed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic and the closure of Telegraph Hill Centre. We'll update when we can. Part of...
The 2019 Panto Rapunzel
We had five sell out shows for Rapunzel, the Telegraph Hill Centre's annual Panto and the 10th anniversary production. This year the company chose to add an extra show and also asked that all the funds raised after costs went to Telegraph Hill Centre. After discussion...
Crisis fundraising booksale
Details on the January 2020 book sale raising funds for Crisis