The fine folks at New Cross Gate Trust have pulled together an uplifting and useful newsletter in response to the current emergency – Covid 19 news from New Cross Gate Trust.
Here at Telegraph Hill Centre, though we remain closed, we are also working to keep things moving, sharing inspirational stories and tips through our social media, and also preparing some handy learning opportunities (delivered online) alongside wellbeing tips – look out for those in the coming weeks.
We’re also on standby for use as an emergency centre if needed. In addition to the improvements we’ve made to the building, its services and safety in recent years, we have also been working with the local authorities to explore how the building can be used to support the community in an emergency. If needed by the local authorities we will open our doors as an emergency shelter or care facility. Until then, we remain closed in line with government guidance.
Until all this passes, keep your spirits up. Though is can be difficult, try to accept that we an only control what we can control and that this situation will eventually pass. The manner of its passing is what we can help influence, by behaving responsibly and being mindful of our own health and that of others.