. . . And we were a little, especially at the thought that the Mayor of Lewisham might be there!
Telegraph Hill Centre’s former ‘Craft Room’, once only accessible via the Narthex and tucked away behind the Kitchen, has a new lease of life. Not only is it the home to Telegraph Hill Centre Youth Club, it has also been repainted by them. In addition we secured the help of St James (the people who built St Catherine’s Place), to install a unisex disabled access toilet. The Centre paid for new double doors to ensure independent and easy access to the room. Together, these developments have ensured a whole new area for use by the community.
The toilet was officially opened (with a ceremonial flush) by Sir Steve Bullock, the Mayor of Lewisham. Telegraph Hill Centre Youth Club also twinned the toilet by raising and donating £60 to enable education about sanitation and a new toilet in the developing world.