Divided by Race, United in War and Peace

Aug 18, 2014 | News

A screening of Divided by Race, United in War and Peace – a warm and life-affirming film, produced and directed by Marc Wadsworth, which examines race relations in Britain during and after the Second World War.  The film will be screened at St Catherine’s Church, Pepys Road, SE14 5TY on Friday 19th September at 7.30pm as part of the Telegraph Hill Open Spaces Weekend 19th-21st Sept.   We’re also honoured to be joined by Sam King MBE.   Sam King is 88 and joined the RAF in Jamaica in 1944.   A war veteran and community activist, he became Mayor of Southwark in 1983 and is honoured with a blue plaque.

Divided by Race, United in War and Peace seeks to redress the imbalance in historical narratives and explore the evolution of a multi-cultural society from a unique perspective.   Warm, moving, witty and engaging testimonies from 13 service men and women from the Caribbean and Africa who fought under the British flag in WW2 bring history to life.   It’s a lovely film.

All the details

WHAT: A film screening with a short Q&A

WHEN: 19th September, 7.30pm

WHERE: St Catherine’s Church, Pepys Road, Telegraph Hill, SE14 5TY

WHY: We live in a multi-cultural society.   Let’s celebrate our shared history – for ourselves, for future generations and most of all to honour to the memory of people who deserve recognition.

TICKETS: £5 / £3 (this is a non-profit film and your ticket price includes a snack) – BOOK – thc.ticketsource.co.uk (advance booking is recommended)

You can also pay on the door but please note that capacity is limited.