Discussion Group: In Work Poverty & Childcare

Jan 7, 2014 | News

Are you a parent?   If so, would you be interested in talking about your life, your childcare responsibilities, and any work responsibilities you have?

Many people experience poverty, both those in and out of paid work. Although many people agree that ‘working families’ should not face poverty, there is less agreement on what is meant by ‘work’. How much paid work should parents be encouraged to take on? How can this be balanced with their childcare responsibilities? Should caring responsibilities be recognised as work?

You are very welcome to join a discussion group on these issues at Telegraph Hill Centre, Kitto Road, SE14 5TY from 12:30 until 2pm on Monday 13th January.

  • We want to talk to parents about their working and childcare responsibilities, how their time is balanced between the two, and how these responsibilities are split between parents.
  • We want to know their views on what ‘work’ should mean, how paid work should be balanced with childcare, and what this should mean for in work poverty.
  • We are interested in speaking with all parents with at least one child under 18 – it’s not necessary to have personally experienced in work poverty.

All discussion groups will be completely confidential. We offer a gift voucher as a thank you for participating in the research. Tea and coffee will be provided.

If you are interested, or would like more information, please do contact Ben Richards, Research Consultant for CPAG, on 07815 428141 or by email to: b.d.richards@lse.ac.uk

Key facts and figures on child poverty from CPAG

Child Poverty Action Group is one of the leading charities working to end child poverty in the UK.