Branching Out Connected – Newsletter 4

Jul 22, 2020 | News

It’s no understatement to say that it’s been a challenging few months, not least for members of Telegraph Hill Centre’s Branching Out group for over 55’s whose members have had to shield.

All has not been quiet however. Branching Out members have written poems, are gathering stories and observations, and continue to make art. This is the Branching Out Connected Newsletter (fourth edition) > take a look.

Throughout the COVID -19 lockdown the members of Branching Out, our activities group for older people, have remained in touch with each other and the Centre. The group’s wonderful co-ordinator, Jessica, has been visiting members and ensuring that they have food, arranging deliveries if necessary, as well as dropping off art supplies.

Later this year the group is holding another of its art exhibitions.

If you know someone who would like to join the group, please contact Jessica at

Download the Branching Out Newsletter